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John Wick is a good movie. The action was good. The story was good. Keanu Reeves did a very good job. People say that Keanu Reeves can not feel emotion in movies, but he did a very good job crying and feeling the pain of the loss of his dead wife. I also like how the other characters are scared of and respect Keanu Reeves. The Russians in the movie speak Russian with a silly accent. It seems they hired Americans to play Russians. The ending was terrible. He lets a girl LIVE and she kills his friend. He lets the MAIN RUSSIAN BOSS LIVE and he also kills a friend of Keanu Reeves. ...
Fred Sadovskiy has hit it big with BH Cosmetics. However, that does not make Fred Sadovskiy a good guy. Fred Sadovskiy is a crook. I had the unfortunate displeasure of being scammed out of a substantial amount of money by this scam artist, con-artist, crook, liar and scum. Prior to making it big in BH COSMETICS, Fred Sadovskiy was involved in the PENIS ENLARGEMENT BUSINESS. He was also involved in a web design company called extreme creative, although he likes to lie to people and say it was an AD AGENCY. ...
MI HOTEL which is located in cuenca ecuador is between puente de vado and 3rd of Noviembre. It is also directly across from 12 de Abril. MI HOTEL is a family owned hotel and the family is lovely. It is a very large hotel. However, there are some problems that you should be aware of before booking your reservation. The first problem is the lack of HOT WATER during certain hours. If you stay up late (after 10pm) and decide you want a nice hot shower, that is NOT possible. There is no hot water after 10pm on any night. If you want to take a shower after 10pm, but before 11pm, you will need to call the front desk. There is not always an attendant at the front desk. Another problem are the ...
pablo ochoa madonado is an architect in cuenca ecuador. he owns a building in mira fores cuenca ecuador. I had a very negative experience with him. He was acting as the "landlord" and without permission, entered our apartment. He also harassed us by knocking on the door at all hours of the day. The harassment got so bad that we had to call the police on him and file a police report. pablo ochoa madonado did not fix any of the problems in the apartment. there were leaks from the room. there was no hot water in the bathroom. there were stains in the other bathroom. there were gaps in the walls and windows, allowing freezing air to come in. ...
This is a real estate agent in cuenca ecuador. He has an office in el centro. xavier sanchez either owns, or rents out many buildings in the city. I am not a fan of this guy. I did a transaction with this guy. It ended very very badly. First and foremost, the contract that he presented to me was one sided. He was the real estate agent and he asked that I not bother him if any problems arise in the apartment. He said to contact the landlord directly. Okay Fine. When there were leaks in the ceiling and no hot water, I did contact the landlord. Unfortunately, the land did not fix the problems and I was stuck showering with cold water. Finally, due to the landlord not fixing the issues, ...
Very interesting site palwatch.org - They chronicle all the palestinian encitement. Some recent examples of palestinians encitement have been music videos on official palestinian television which says "run jews over with your cars." - other videos shown on official palestinian television use the word "martyr" when describing killers. palwatch.org currently has a video of young palestinian children talking about killing jews. recently palwatch.org showed other videos about fatah (top palestinian officials) saying that they do not want a state on 1967 borders - they want the entire land of Israel, also known as "israel proper" - there are other palestinian music videos also asking ordinary ...
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Javier Gallardo is a friendly veterinarian in Cuenca Ecuador. He has long hours, and will attend to your pet on Sunday. He is a qualified surgeon. He cares for the animals. His prices are reasonable. He has a large facility, where he cares for the animals. He also has a yard where the animals can play. ...
bluesnap.com is a huge headache. In my opinion it is a time waster and a rip off. the entire site is a fraud and scam in my opinion. bluesnap.com is a huge black hole. I had an account with bluesnap.com for four years. They put me through an underwriting process which I passed. I then processed with them, in live mode. I have spent thousands of dollars on marketing, integration and design related to merchant processing with bluesnap.com ...
Fred Sadovskiy is a dirtbag in my opinion. I actually use to hang out with this guy back in the day and I would label him a scam artist. He has hit it big with his cosmetic company now, BH cosmetics, but that does not excuse the fact, that the guy is a completely dreadful human being. Back when I use to hang out with him, he was a pretty fairly consistent drug user. But that is not the only kind of user he is. He is also a user as a friend. I know one that that was taken advantage of by Fred Sadovskiy to the tune of thousands of dollars. Fred Sadovskiy (sometimes goes by Fred Sadovsky) also took advantage of me, not paying me back money he owes me. ...
Giovanna Rivera is a very unprofessional banker over at cooperativa JEP, also know as Juventud Ecuatoriana Progresista Ecuador. She has terrible manners. She will raise her voice. She will yell. I tried to open an account with her. She belittles you. She will not shake your hand upon greeting you. Upon leaving, she will not say goodbye. She is quite arrogant. ...
Tony (anatoly) krushevsky is not a bad person. He is a liar. He is a deadbeat and he is a flake. He does owe people a lot of money. He does scam people. He does live in Los Angeles. He does not have a bad heart, but he simply does not pay people. Basically he scams people by borrowing money from them, promising to pay them back and then never paying them back. He is known in the scam circles as Tony Favor or Tony Krushevsky or Anatoly Krushevsky or Anatoly Favor. ...
It is a very conflicting situation. On one hand, Mel Gibson is a huge BIGOT. He is an asshole. He is a woman beater. He is a BIGOT. He is a drunk. Mel Gibson likes to yell. On the other hand Mel Gibson was in a good movie called MAVERICK. I like poker and I liked this movie. On the other hand, Mel Gibson has a father who is a bigot also. The father has said the holocaust did not happen. Huge Bigot. Mel Gibson has also minimized the six million dead from the holocaust. Huge Bigot. ...
optionhouse.com is a relatively cheap options trading platform. optionshouse.com has problems which you may want to consider in avoiding their system. 1. There are technical glitches. Many times, I simply could not place a trade. 2. There a technical problems. I simply could not connect to the order placing system, nor load a website. 3. The BID PLACED - many times, optionshouse.com set a limit on what price I could purchase the option at. They did not disclose this limit to me ahead of time. Therefore, I was not able to place the trade. 4. Faulty Trading Platform - there was problems with loading of the page and execution of the orders. 5. They sent me a check, but credited it to the ...
I have a couple pretty horrific stories related to Dr. Doctor Nasrin Mani. I consider her bedside manner to be the worst. Basically, she tries to get as much money out of you as possible, and at the strangest times. I had gone to Dr. Mani Nasrin (Nasrin Mani) for a facial procedure. She had quoted me a very high price. At the time of the procedure, I was laying in bed and she came in. I was completely NUMB. She then began to NEGOTIATE the PRICE of an add-on to the treatment. I was NUMB and in no position to fight off a "negotiation" - she told me "I can do your eyebrows for $800 dollars more." - In my weak state, I agreed to her extortion. She was HOLDING THE LASER IN HER HAND as she was ...