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paypal.com is good for some and terrible for others. they algorithms which will determine whether they want you as a client or not. Okay fine. However, when you have been a client for years, it is common courtesy to be phoned or emailed or given some notice that a termination is coming. Imagine a business with sales in the thousands daily. Their customer attempts a purchase and receives a paypal.com error message, saying the merchant is no longer welcome. Not only is that bad etiquette, but thousands of dollars in sales has been lost. ...
I find the whole Sony "the interview" affair amusing. First of all, the movie about the killing of a world leader. President Obama said the movie should be shown in theaters. Once again, you can label a movie a "comedy" , but a world leader, under his real name, is killed at the end. He is killed in a very terrible way. His whole body explodes. Obama is for the movie. Let's say a country Obama dislikes like North Korea or Russia was to make a movie about the assassination attempt and the eventual assassination of President Obama (not advocating) ... do you think Congress would want that movie to be shown in North Korea or Russia? Of course not. ...
The united states government are such hypocrites sometimes (often times) - they label alexander lukashenko "europes last dictator" while being friends with dictators all over the world. The usa (john kerry) had a friendship with bashar asad. The usa (rumsfeld) had a friendship with saddam husein. But worst of all, the USA is maintaining friendships with middle eastern KINGS. Let me explain who these kings are - They are dictators. Yet, the US never calls them dictators. Such hypocrisy. ...
I would like to tell you guys how slow 1and1.com is - This has to be the worst registrar in the history of terrible registrars. First of all, many of the email or verify links they send you are DEAD. Second, most of the time, the pages do not even load. Did you know, if you transfer a domain over, they will not transfer the DNS along with the domain? Dreadful. Yes the registrar is affordable. I will give it that. However, it still sucks. It is glitchy. I have to reload the pages all the time. Many times, the domain KICKS you OUT. You then have to waste time signing back in. ...
I would like to give a shout out to imerchant.com - I have been using them years and they definitely do everything they say. I am grateful to be using them. Basically, I have a membership site with a content, hidden, members only section on my backend. I have some downloads here related to videos and software. They take care of bundling services and downloads for their webmasters and affiliates. imerchant.com pays me 50% of all the recurring memberships. I sell something one time, and as long as the customer remains a customer, I continue to receive the 50% ...
Mani Vaya from Qualcomm in San Diego has his good qualities, but I am not sure his good qualities outnumber his bad qualities. The main problem with Mani Vaya from Qualcomm in downtown San Diego is he wants to be right all the time. He wants things his way. If he does not get his way, he becomes rude, arrogant, a terrible and bad friend. Many times Mani Vaya will ditch you for a female. The ditching is very troubling as he will not respond to texts or phone calls asking for an update of his whereabouts. For example, if you had plans to leave and you are waiting for him, you may have to wait 4 hours to be contacted by Mani Vaya. ...
I have found Serghei Cozma to be respectful, fair, intelligent and courteous. This service is professional. If you need a knowledgeable attorney in Chisinau Moldova, I highly recommend Serghei Cozma. He has treated me fairly in the past. His rates are fair and he has very good customer service. I have phoned him internationally and he has picked up the phone every time. ...
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I have been following the "news service" known as the afp (arab french press) - I find their coverage full of what I would classify as Yellow Journalism. I find their coverage to be biased, and non-objective. They blatantly show bias toward some countries they favor and ill-will toward other countries they wish to paint with an unfavorable brush. Sometimes when events occur which show "out of favor" countries in a positive light the AFP will purposely not publish, or distribute those stories. ...
Donald Sterling is NOT a racist. Donald Sterling is an old man. Donald Sterling has given to charity. Donald Sterling is a good guy. Donald Sterling was given two awards by the national association for the advancement of colored persons. He was about to be given a 3rd award the NAACP. Donald Sterling had 82% people of color in his Clipper's organization. The percentage of people in LA are far less. Donald Sterling had 92% of his basketball team filled with young, black players. Donald Sterling wanted to have sex with a female. He saw pictures of her with black people. He was jealous, and the words came out: "Do you have to be in pictures with black people." The truth is if the girl would ...
Daniel Nathan Axelrod of San Diego California is scum. He is a backstabber. He is a crook. This is the type of guy that will go behind your back and plot against you. There are people who talk about you behind your back, but this guy plots against you. After a disagreement, Daniel Nathan Axelrod went to an individual and plotted a scheme in order to benefit him and to harm another. Daniel Nathan Axelrod is a complete hypocrite. He is the kind of person that tells you not to download internet files, and then goes and uses the unsecure wifi of a neighbor. Daniel Nathan Axelrod likes fat woman. There is no foul in that - I just felt like throwing it in :) Daniel Nathan Axelrod will talk bad ...
Recently the USA torture report came out and it was very sick. Some of the things the USA admitted to doing were: keeping a man naked tied to a chair, keeping a man naked in a freezer, killing a man by hypothermia. Additional torture techniques used by the CIA are sleep deprivation, starvation and feeding through the anus. Additionally, the CIA used waterboarding, where they would drown a guy, killed the guy and then bring him back to life. This was done over 35 times to one individual. President George W. Bush repeated many times that the "US does not torture." This turned out to be a lie. The USA does torture. USA officials would insult the prisoners, make sexual advances toward the ...
kursad keskinege is a criminal. he is a thief. he says he is a programmer but the truth is he is a fraud, a scam artist, and a ripoff artist. he steals intellectual property. simply put, he steals code. he deletes code. this piece of trash was paid monthly to create code and simply took it for his own site. he "created" a site called onverify with code that was stolen from a client. he used the client's funds to create a lifestyle of theft. Kursad Keskinege lives with his wife BILGE in Istanbul, Turkey. Kursad Keskinege is a hacker, but the worst kind, a thief. Kursad Keskinege will steal your code for his own sites, destroy your code, not work, collect money not working, and lie to your ...
sean daneshmand is a "doctor" for ageless and beautiful. it is located in san diego california in the hillcrest area. STAY AWAY! sean daneshmand is heartless. the guy is UNfeeling. I went to sean daneshmand for a laser procedure and he burned, bloated ans "pussed" my face. I could not go in public for 172 days. I was a hermit in my apartment. My face was bloated, pussed, scarred. I was in excruciating pain. I was in tears. I was scarred. My face was a pumpkin. Worst of all, when I showed Sean Daneshmand my face, he could care less. He said he couldn't help me. He said I would need 4-8 more procedures to correct my face. I asked him to do the procedures as HEAT and his bad hands caused the ...